Bitters have been used for centuries to enhance both the flavor of cocktails and other drinks while also aiding in digestion. These Activated Coconut Charcoal Living Bitters contain ingredients that play an important role in both flavor and digestion. Charcoal is useful both for removing toxins from the blood and digestive system and for treating an upset stomach, excess gas, and even hangovers. Coconut gives any drink a sweet, tropical flavor. It also contains manganese, which is essential for healthy bones, and for metabolizing carbs and proteins while reducing bad cholesterol. It is also rich in copper and iron, which help with the productions of healthy red blood cells. It also contains selenium, an important anti-oxidant that protects your cells and removes toxins. Adding activated coconut charcoal living bitters to a cocktail, juice, tea or other beverage will help your digestion, remove toxins from your system, and leave you feeling great.